As a reminder, the following forms are required to maintain eligibility for membership in the band.  All forms are required to be returned no later than Saturday, July 28 during uniform fitting/form submission day.  For your convenience, there is a wire basket near Mr. Souders office you may use to leave your forms.  Also, Kim and I will be available to collect forms during the dinner/evening hours next week at band camp.
Keep in mind the Madison County Schools Out-of-County Medical Release Form requires the date of your child’s last tetanus booster shot & the form must be notarized.  Most banks offer this service for free. If you or someone you know is a notary and would like to volunteer the service please let me know.
The forms are explained below and can all be found HERE: FORMS
Please take a moment to read and fully complete each form:
  • BHS Band Student Data Form (Even if you did this at BMS or previous year, we need a new one completed)
  • Last page of the BHS Band Handbook and Syllabus (Signed by student and adult after reading completely)
  • Madison County Extracurricular Participation Waive
  • Madison County Out-of-County Medical Release Form (Must be notarized)
  • Instrument Rental Contract (For any students using a school instrument, including all members of percussion)
  • If your student has ANY medical issues, including asthma and/or any joint issues – we need a “Student Health Form” addressing these issues.
Thank you for helping us keep your child’s records up to date. If you have any questions or need any assistance with your CHARMS account, please let me know.
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