August 2018 Meeting Minutes

August 14, 2018 – Band Booster Meeting Meeting called to order at 6:00pm.

Board Present: Gordon King, President; Sarah Posey, 1rst VP; David Donnelly, 2nd VP; Carla Jungen, Asst. 2nd VP; Melanie Jackson, 3rd VP; Mary Miller, Treasurer; Lorraine Miller, Asst. Treasurer; LaVeta Solanto, Secretary

Mr. King opened the meeting by thanking everyone for coming. He acknowledged the large turn-out and encouraged everyone to come back to future booster meetings. He asked a show of hands of “new” parents and a large number were raised. He explained the booster association and how important it is to the success of the band program.

  • A brief review of the 18/19 budget was provided:
  • Approved by board in June Trailer loan paid off 1 year early
  • Uniform fund repurposed as contribution to new truck
  • No fee increases this year – fees to be paid on time; substantial fundraising required for the new truck & reductions in several areas.

Mr. Clough asked if the Board did a trade off of costs between purchasing a new truck or renting. Mr. King replied that yes the board had done such a tradeoff and that purchasing did represent more cost for the program, but he went on to explain that the tradeoff is that owning our own truck makes it much easier on our driving volunteer parents and that renting is extremely time consuming for those volunteers making the pick up and drop off a multi-day activity requiring many more hours than just that of driving the truck to and from events.

Mr. King expressed need for equipment crew volunteers. Any parent is welcome – some heavy lifting required, flexible Friday schedule, competition days require early mornings/late evenings.

The competition schedule was provided & reminder the football schedule as well as meetings minutes available on webpage.

Board member reports:

Sara Posey, 1st VP: Introduced committee chairs and description of their duties. Asked for chaperone volunteers to sign up in charms.

David Donnelly, 2nd VP: Asked for concession volunteers to sign up in charms and limit to 3 games to allow everyone a chance to volunteer. Pre-paid dinners will be offered to students again this year.

Melanie Jackson, 3rd VP: Introduced committee chair. Shared all the fundraising plans for the year. Explained student credit vs general fund. Apparel sale currently running through 8/22 for student credits.

Mary Miller, Treasurer: Introduced committee chairs. Explained importance of fees being paid due to early spending requirements. To process payments quickly, phone number and reason for payment required on check – allow 7 days for all processing. Treasury report was shared – available online.

LaVeta Solanto, Secretary: Introduced committee chairs. Expressed importance of forms being turned in. Shared several methods of communication – most important Remind. Revealed show shirt design – available for purchase soon. BHS band shirts provided for students this year in lieu of show shirt so if you would like a show shirt for self and student, purchase online soon.

No new business.

Motion to adjourn – Kim Grantham; Seconded the motion – Carla Jungen Meeting adjourned at 7:45 Parents enjoyed the show preview of TickTock at 8:00pm

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